Data Pribadi Saya

Nama Pemilik: Ig Fandy Jayanto

Alamat Rumah: Seputih Banyak, Kab. Lampung Tengah

Riwayat Pendidikan:

SD N 1 Sumber Baru
SMP N 1 Seputih Banyak
SMA Paramarta 1 {jurusan Ipa 1}
S1 di UM Metro {jurusan FKIP Matematika}

sedang menempuh pendidikan di Universitas Lampung (Unila)

Guru di SMP Paramarta 1 Seputih Banyak

Senin, 23 Mei 2011

hilangnya folder dan file

Sepertinya sudah menjadi kisah klasik ketika teman-teman membaca judul postingan ini, barusan tadi siang teman saya bertanya ama saya tentang bagaimana caranya mengembalikan folder option yang hilang ?..
nah teman-teman semua pada tau g' kenapa folder option bisa hilang...

hilang nya folder option di ekplorer windows kita bisa disebabkan oleh banyak faktor,,tapi fakto umum yang sering terjadi adalah karena di serang virus. melihat tingkah laku virus zaman sekarang memang membuat kita geleng-geleng kepala, mana virus nya makin ganas, lebih bervariasi,,dan mudah berkembang biak, sekali saja teman-teman salah klik, alamat virus akan mulai beraksi,,salah satu kegiatan favorit virus adalah menhilangkan folder option,,nah klw sudah begini terpaksa kita sedikit kerja ekstra,,

gni nih caranya

step one
klik menu Start > run
ketikan gpedit.msc
Setelah itu masuk ke :User Configuration >Administrative Templates >Windows Component > Windows Explorer.

Di Panel sebelah kanan, carilah “Remove the Folder Option menu item from the Tools Menu” kemudian double klik dan set value ke “Disabled”

step two
klik menu Start > run
ketikan regedit untuk membuka registry editor
kemudian cari :HKEY_CURRENT_USER\software\microsoft\windows\current\version\policies\explorer.
kemudian lihat di panel sebelah kanan NoFolderOption set value menjadi 0.
jika NoFolderOption tidak ada anda bisa buat sendiri dan set value nya juga.

versi inggris;
Almost everyone has felt the kiss and knew him. So, what is the pleasure of the kiss? The answer is only there on the culprit who has done it. The kiss can be a kiss of affection or may be a kiss birahi.Kemudian what's the benefit?
Here are some unique and funny things that we need to know about the benefits of a kiss:
1. With a kiss, you will become younger. The kiss will move the 29 facial muscles, so that can prevent face wrinkles. 2. With the kiss will happen exchange substances such as fats, minerals, and proteins that help making antibodies, which antibodies will be used against various diseases. 3. 66% of couples close their eyes when kissing, while the rest had a wonderful, how emotions coursed through their partner's face. 4. Statistics in the U.S. said, a woman will kiss at least 80 men before eventually married. 5. Romantic kiss will burn 2-3 calories, while French Kiss will be throwing 5 calories, means more people kissing, then the more calories are burned. 6. The sensitivity of the lips has 200 times higher than on your finger. 7. The man who kissed his wife before leaving for work, would have aged 5 years longer. 8. With a full kiss for 90 seconds with a passion, will raise blood pressure and increase heart rate, which also will increase the level of hormones in the blood, thus to increase the age of 1 minute. 9. French Kiss is a kiss as a bridge type of the soul, the kiss this way, not just lip move, but the tongue also moves. 10. If the eskimo to meet each other, they do not just rub your nose, but they also opened their lips, and draw a deep breath and blow vigorously. In this way they will enjoy the scent of their respective partners. 11. For those who are kissing, would produce a substance which has 200 times the strength of morphine. That's why for those who are kissing will get happiness and joy extraordinary. 12. Kissing makes you become more rilaks and reduce stress! 13. During his life, people have spent their time during the two weeks to smooch. 14. A kiss for 1 minute will spend 26 calories in the body. 15. In this world first 50% of people kissing full sense of love are under 14 years. So if people want a healthy and youthful, often kissing. Dear readers, if you / I want is pleased to provide the value of this paper, by giving marks on the star that is available on the lower right. In closing I thank the spare time given to read this article..

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